After yesterday's Beirut Tournament, in which Terminator and I made it to the semi-finals, we decided to go to MSG to see The Killers. Only problem: the show was sold out and we didn't have tickets.
Not so much of a problem for the Terminator. After sweet talking the people at MSG, we got in to one of the Sky Boxes. Free booze, free food...and some families.
At this point I should probably tell you that I was drunk. Hammered drunk, really. Five hours of Beirut will do that to you. Needless to say, the fact that there were two 11 year old girls in the Sky Box was probably not a good thing. I'm sure they couldn't understand why I kept dropping hot dogs and spilling mustard all over myself. Their fathers didn't appreciate it when we tried to strike up conversations with them.
So I was drunk, big deal. When there's a fridge full of frosty brewdogs, though, you know that stopping is out of the question.
That's when more people showed up to the box. This time, they were young-adultish employees of the company that owned the box. It must have been a pretty funny sight. Employees, their dates, their familes...and some 21-year old freeloaders double-fisting Bud Light with mustard on their faces. God Bless America.
The Killers were opened by some Beatles impersonators. Their voices were spot on - I mean it really sounded like The Beatles - but what the fuck? When we saw Guns N Roses, they were opened by Sebastian Bach. That makes sense, because they're the same era, genre, etc.
Having "The Beatles" open for The Killers probably went over most people's heads, but not mine. Since I am aware that Brandon Flowers (Killers Frontman) fancies himself a god, this was clearly his attempt to place his group above the legendary British rock outfit. In other words, Brandon Flowers is fucking insane.
It was funny, especially because I actually enjoyed the Beatles guys more than I did The Killers.
The Killers' music was way too loud and they were only playing the weaker songs from their latest album, Sam's Town. Incidentally, Flowers claimed that this would be one of the best Rock albums of the past two decades. Sure, pal. And The Beatles, if they were around today, would be opening for you, too.
We ended up leaving early because we were sick of the noise emanating from the stage. I considered myself a fan of The Killers, but I don't think I'd be able to go to their concert ever again. Or, if I had to, I'd probably avoid heavy drinking in the afternoon.
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